Monday, January 29, 2007

We're not well...

Of course we should have expected that one of us, if not both of us, would catch a cold in that first week being at preschool, but we both got it, and at the same time.

It seemed Emmalee was worse than me last night. It was pitiful, she would cry but not really have the energy to put into crying... it was just sad. We're both congested, her voice is hoarse so her throat must be messed up and her nose is very runny and last night her eyes were watering all over her face. She also had a fever last night ( 102.5).

I figured I shouldn't take her into the school today. But last night the owner called ME to see if I could work a LOOONG shift because there were 3 teachers out. Sounds like this cold is going around and it's not just us. I explained that I was actually going to call THEM in the morning because we're both sick. Anyway, shortly after that call my ear started aching horribly, throbbing sharp pain, it was awful, so I just went to bed and knew I'd need to go to the dr. in the morning because the pain was ridiculous.

This morning we went to urgent care and the doctor said I have one of the worst ear infections he's seen in an adult, so he prescribed me vicodin to go with the amoxil. Interesting. So I guess Emmalee's doing a little better than me today. She still has a runny nose and congestion and hoarse voice, but hasn't had a fever since last night, and has a bit more energy today. But we're staying home for the day, cleaning up, resting, taking meds and getting ready for a FULL day tomorrow at the school (9-6).

: ) Didi

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