Tuesday, January 23, 2007

here we go. (deep breath...)

I feel like life is about to be thrown upside down. I found a school one mile away (4 minute drive) that was looking for a preschool teacher. Their biggest perk? Teachers get to enroll their children in the center for free. I guess that's why I never did go back to teaching after Emmalee arrived. It didn't make sense to pay someone to care for Emmalee while I was paid to care for someone else's children. Nor was it affordable.

So I looked into it, and sure enough, one thing leads to another, and I start tomorrow. Emmalee and I spent some time in the toddler class (2-3 year olds) this morning. She had fun exploring and having 'staring contests' with a few other toddlers. She also did a couple of art projects with them.

But me? I'm nervous, to say the least. Is it wrong for me to think Emmalee deserves more than being one child in a sea of a dozen other snot-faced toddlers? (Literally. There were 2 or 3 kids with snot running down their faces). It's not that they were over-ratio or anything, there were 3 teachers in the room most of the time. but I am still afraid that Emmalee will be 'overlooked' in a way, and not get the attention she might need if she was to feel scared or get hurt. So I guess, in a perfect world, she'd be in a class with 5 other kids. I have a couple of other concerns, but basically I think i'll feel better if she doesn't have to spend LONG hours there at a time. Of course we'll be under the same roof, but not together most of the day.

Though it seems that they need me 40 hours/wk, we'll probably be doing 3-6 hour days Monday through Friday and more hours when (and IF) we get used to this new change. I think it's a great opportunity for ME to get back into teaching and it COULD even be good for her as well, but it's a big change and it's been two years since i've been 'in the business', so i'm nervous. Going to give it a shot though! The staff seems nice! Cross your fingers for us, and PRAY that naptime goes smoothly for Emmalee there ~ i'm definitely scared of how that's going to go!

...And so this isn't a total photoless blog, here's one of Emmalee napping:

... and her new cup:


Anonymous said...

congrats! from your myspace i thought you were going to say your were pg!

Amy said...

Good luck with your new job! I love looking at your blog to see what is going on in your lives!

Emily Hunt-Nelson said...

Happy Birthday Didi! I hope all went well! Every change is difficult especially with little ones, but do know that once you get into the "routine" you will both do just fine!! (I know from experience! :)

Emily Hunt-Nelson said...

Happy Birthday Didi! Hope everything went well on the 1st day! Once you get into the "routine" I am sure you will both adjust great! This I know from "experience :)"
Take care!