Thursday, February 01, 2007

One Week Later (preschool update)

So it looks like we've developed a new routine, and I can't say I like it too much. My biggest problem is that we don't get home until 6:15 every night. Then Dad comes home about 7:15 and then Emmalee has to get in the bath by 7:30. Where did all our time together go? I hate it! I don't even have time to cook dinner much less eat dinner, and feed Emmalee too? And when am I supposed to clean the house? It's awful, and it's stressful but luckily it is my biggest complaint with life right now.

Emmalee seems to be doing just fine at school, she never cries when we arrive or when I leave her, she says 'bye, Mom!' I try not to swing by her class too much, I don't want her to see me and interrupt her day, but when I do peek at her she is exploring, playing with the kids, and shrieking with excitement. They assist her in potty-training there too. She has stayed there through two nap times so far and they have both gone well. The teachers say she doesn't cry, and usually falls asleep on her own without someone patting her back. She is really excited to have her special 'butterfly blanket' at school now, so I think that helps.

Emmalee has definitely been more cuddly since she started school! I can understand if she misses us nowadays, I think every other night, I break down crying because I miss her so much. I am not used to spending this much time away from my little best friend. You should see her reaction when I pick her up from school each evening. She sees me, her bottom lip quivers, her eyes fill with tears, she smiles and says "Mama!". Then she runs and hugs me and cries. Then as I hold her and hug her, she puts her hands on my face, stares into my eyes and says 'oh, Mama' and cries and hugs me harder. It is so sweet yet breaks my heart at the same time. Anytime I see her playing she's never sad or crying, so I don't think she is unhappy there. We just have this emotional reunion everytime I come back for her.

As for me, I love what I do for the most part. I'm the afternoon teacher of the preschool class (5-6 year olds). I really don't have much experience with kids this old, but I am loving it. The oldest i've worked with is usually 3 or 4 year olds. These kids are fun and spunky and cooperative, and the morning teacher tells me they really like me. It's pretty neat! However, this week i've been spending time teaching a different class (the preschool 3-4 year old class) while their teacher is on vacation. I miss my older kids!

There is definitely some awful sicknesses going around. I thought it was just me and Emmalee earlier in the week but when I got to school Tuesday, I heard that 2 children are in the hospital with pneumonia, there's also bronchitis and stomach flu all going around. Emmalee has had a low-grade fever the last 3 evenings and now has developed a cough to add onto the congestion but she has a good energy level, so I think we are on our way to health!

I miss having time to use my camera!!

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