Saturday, November 11, 2006

Mia's Birthday Party

This is Mia, Emmalee's best friend. She turned two on Halloween. They had not seen each other for one week and one day, quite a long time considering they've been together 5 days a week for one whole year. I was afraid they would be shy or snub each other a bit, but they got along fantastically! They ran all around the house yelling, holding hands just like the good old days.

For a two-year-old, Mia is really into fashion. She picks out her clothes each day and she has what we call a 'shoe fetish'. So we got her a bag containing 6 pairs of dress-up shoes for her birthday. Apparently, someone else knew how fond of shoes Mia is because by the end of the party Mia had a dozen pairs of dress-up shoes!

She looked so cute all dolled up in her new clothes and sunglasses, I actually did feel like paparazzi taking shots of her!

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