Saturday, February 03, 2007

What a TYRANT!

ty*rant: a toddler who exercises power in a harsh, cruel manner. Difficult to bear.

Ick! She's hit the terrible two's and we are not liking it! I spend all day cleaning up after her. Not just because she's a typical child who isn't keen on picking up after herself, but because she's in this phase of dumping and throwing everything in sight! I'm ready to throw everything in this house in a locked closet so she can stop throwing things around. It seems like she has way too much control over herself and her environment, but there's not much I can do about that. I don't have a crib to constrain her in anymore.

It's awful! Especially the food-throwing. We've tried everything. She has no reaction to any form of punishment. She refuses to clean up. On a rare occasion, she will accept my bribe of cleaning up for a piece of candy (Pez), or watch Elmo on TV. I hope this passes soon.

1 comment:

Markissaearle said...

Oh I love the colors in this blog post and how you have them all set up!
-Melissa E Earle